Experimental Artists

Alisa Burke

Alisa Burke is an artist who experiments with colour and pattern, and in this case, with the surface she has painted on. This photograph depicts pumpkins which have been painted in bright colours and in different patterns, in some cases with the paint being let to drip down by itself. 

Tony Conrad

Tony Conrad experimented with film as the medium for his artwork, making a film called 'Visual LSD' which was intended to be exactly what it says on the tin: to cause the viewers to have a acid-trip hallucinations similar to when having taken LSD. The video consists of simply flickering lights. I find this very unusual in it's concept. I have heard of paintings and art looking like an 'acid-trip' but have not until now heard of artwork which intends to induce one.

Tigran Tsitoghdzyan 

This piece I have chosen because I think I am amazed at how each section is a separate image from daily life, which makes up a portrait of the person whose life it is. I find this experiment with images very interesting.  


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