'Time' for another project.

Here's some work I've been doing for the last few weeks at college, based on the theme of time. Just a few bits and pieces. I had a bit of trouble thinking of things to do at first, but I did a few mindmaps and some observational drawings and that helped :).
'Comic strip' style piece, on which drawings of my morning routine (so repetative) are drawn on a page I photocopied from my sketchbook. The page consisted of collage (a page from my planner) and ink and stick drawings of lines and numbers in relation to the planner page. 
I like the above drawing. It's two pages of my sketchbook combined, the background being 'time' in different languages and the drawing is of the random placement of two drawings (my socks and a cup) on a page. It;s pretty comical and the black and green just look nice together I think :) 
Tried redrawing the 'comic strip' morning, but it got all smudged. Bad times. 
Like this ^ again it's a little random, but its a combination of sketchbook drawings and notes. 'Back in my day' is just a typical saying that sprung to mind when thinking of 'time' :) 

I really like the drawing above. I think it's the contrasting colours that work well. My mum agrees ;) 
This ^ didn't turn out as well as I thought it would. It looked a lot better in my head. (It's an outline in black of what the building next to the town hall in Sheffield used to look like, with the hotel there now over the top in green ink.)

I think ^this worked well. I found an old photograph of the peace gardens and drew/painted what is there now on a piece of tracing paper over the top of the old building. It's supposed to be a combination of two times, past and present.
The above is similar to the previous piece, but I've stuck a photograph I took of the building over the old photograph. I think it's quite nice but doesn't really get the message of 'time' across very well in my opinion.


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