Artist Research

Fiona Rae

'I need gentle conversations' is the first piece of artwork that caught my attention while researching artists.The vibrant colours in Fiona Rae's paintings and drip painting are both interesting to me as these are techniques I myself like to use, and I enjoy perusing these kinds of paintings to find possible hidden images. 

In this painting in particular I like the small cartoon animals and the way the dipping areas look like branches on a tree, similar to a weeping willow. 

The painting to the right, 'I always wish you every happiness with my whole heart in the distance' I also like, and chose, because I find the way the colours seem to be in negative, which makes them more striking. 

Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker was the second artist that I found most interesting, and I especially like the description given of her work on the Frith Street Gallery website: 'fascinated with processes in the world that mimic cartoon "deaths"- steamrollering, shooting full of holes, falling from cliffs and explosions' and 'transformation of the most ordinary objects into something compelling and extraordinary'. Much of her work makes me think of an explosion, freeze-framed which I think is fascinating. The piece on the right (Hanging Fire Suspected Arsen) is a piece I especially liked, mainly for the way the pieces of charcoal spread and become smaller the higher up the wire they go, making the piece look more realistically like an explosion. 

Cindy Sherman

Sherman's 'Self Portraits of Others'  I find intriguing because of how she has changed herself in every image to someone completely unrecognisable. I like that she has used herself as the subject and yet, if you didn't know, you wouldn't realise she has.
The images are extreme stereotypes and are almost comical and caricature-ish, especially the lower image. 

Simon Patterson

This piece - The Great Bear - I find very interesting and clever. I very much like pieces like this, which use word play as an element. I think that makes a person think more deeply about what the piece could mean, and gives a further insight into the way the artist thinks, and associates. 

Sophie Calle - Take Care of Yourself

This composition I chose because I like the concept behind the piece. I enjoyed the fact she sent the letter to lots of different people from different backgrounds to get their reactions to use in her work. 
The ones I liked most was the images of the ballerinas reading the letter, and the marks-woman who shot through every 'love' in the letter. 

Tony Cragg

 The piece in this image I find interesting. To me this reminds me of a seal, which I find white amusing. I like the curves of the metal, which are very smooth and precise. 

 Susan Hiller 

This piece by Susan Hiller intrigued me due to a very different media being used, and yet the videos of 'From Here to Eternity' were still projected onto canvas, combining a classic background with a very modern media.

Roger Hiorns

This piece, 'Copper Sulphate Chartres & Copper Sulphate Notre-Dame' I find stunning, mainly for the amazing blue of the copper sulphate and it's contrast to the colours of the buildings, but also for the fact the piece has been created using a natural reaction, rather than being forced to be in a certain place.


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