Hopefully That Wasn't Just A Waste Of Time
I've finished my year long-ish art and design course at college. Safe to say I'm fairly disappointed with my grade. I got a 'high' (As my tutor put it) Pass out of Pass, Merit and Distinction. I know you're supposed to say "Yaay I passed and I learnt something new and that's all that matters" but it really would have been nice for once to say "Yes! I got a distinction!", or a merit at least, rather than getting a mediocre grade that a fellow pass student was distraught and in tears about.
However, I was quite happy with my work, as I managed to finally put across my sense of humour in my pieces, something I couldn't do in Fine Art, and I did take Illustration to take me out of my comfort zone, which it did, and teach me new techniques and methods of image making I didn't have a clue about before. I will definitely continue to use the techniques I've learnt, and I don't think I'm ever going to stop drawing :D
Here are some pictures of my exhibition space and others I took while everyone was setting up their spaces. I had a lot of fun, and I definitely won't forget this year, even if I'll probably always be annoyed with my grade.
(The chair in the photos above was not in the exhibition, obviously, but I deleted the good photo of the cleared space by accident :( )
It's pretty clear I made some great friends at college from the photo below ;) Fun times. The photo isn't of me btw
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